Advertisement encourages a NO vote on Amendment 2 and rebuts the deceptive claims made by out-of-state online gambling corporations 

St. Louis, MO – September 13, 2024 – Missourians Against the Deceptive Online Gambling Amendment today released its first television advertisement. The ad, titled “Zero,” rebuts deceptive statements made in a TV ad released this week by proponents of Amendment 2. 

“Big out-of-state gambling corporations are spending millions pushing Amendment 2, a deceptive measure they claim will fund education,” the ad states. “Amendment 2 would give them the power to operate online sports gambling and rake in billions, but the State’s official analysis concluded Amendment 2 would allow them to pay zero gaming taxes to Missouri. That means zero dollars for Missouri schools.” 

In preparing the fiscal note for Amendment 2, the Missouri State Auditor’s Office determined that because gambling operators would be permitted to deduct promotional credits and free play as well as federal taxes, they could pay zero gaming taxes for sports wagering.

“The proponents of Amendment 2 are making empty promises about education in order to sway voters, and Missourians deserve to know the truth about the measure,” said Brooke Foster, a spokesperson for Missourians Against the Deceptive Online Gambling Amendment. “In reality, Amendment 2 contains no guarantees that a single penny will go to our schools.”

The fiscal note itself underscores the deceptive messaging in the out-of-state online gambling corporations’ television ad. The Missouri Department of Revenue concluded that Amendment 2 provides no way to collect any gambling taxes, and therefore none will be collected, meaning zero tax dollars for classrooms and teacher pay. And, the Missouri Gaming Commission concluded that even if the state could collect the tax, generous tax loopholes and deductions drafted by Amendment 2 proponents allow online gambling companies to pay no gaming tax, again meaning zero tax dollars for classrooms and teacher pay.

Added spokesperson Foster: “These out-of-state online gambling corporations are using Missouri students and teachers as a gimmick to pass online sports gambling while giving themselves huge tax deductions.” 

The new ad from Missourians Against the Deceptive Online Gambling Amendment can be viewed here.